


(左:室内设计由 Audrey Sterk设计 | Middle: Arteriors 照明 available at Lucia 照明 | Right: 室内设计 by Manuel de Santaren)

When an 室内设计er first takes on a project, 光ing 是一个lmost always an issue. 它也是必不可少的, multifaceted design feature that warrants a bigger conversation than it often gets, 室内设计负责人John Day解释道 LDa架构 & 内饰. 而第一个因素得到了纠正——这是有充分理由的. 照明 not only has an inherent warmth and brilliance—two things we want in our homes—it has tremendous versatility and breadth.

戴说,如果处理得当,灯光的影响是“巨大的”. 照明 can create a mood, set a 的me, add drama or a spot光 and lend functionality to a 空间. 创造一个光线充足的家是一门科学和艺术, 市场上有许多出色的设备, 没有理由活在阴影里.



Weena & 受到惊吓

(上图)在韦斯顿一栋殖民时期的住宅里, 室内设计 studio Weena and 受到惊吓 selected a variety of lamps, sconces and chandeliers for a lavish effect. 忘记看到重影, 这里是三倍, as 的 studio 挂 three chandeliers over 的 dining 房间 table and affixed multiple double and single sconces around 的 空间.

室内设计:Wilson Kelsey 设计

Wilson Kelsey 设计 also cultivates a “let 的re be 光” philosophy for its classical interiors. This sitting 房间 of an ambitious renovation in Beverly evokes a Parisian salon with its wealth of antiques, 家具和定制照明,包括一个华丽的枝形吊灯, 壁灯和台灯.



室内设计:Wilson Kelsey 设计

Principal John Kelsey reveals that 光 is paramount to 的ir designs and that he and co-owner Sally Wilson consider 的 placement of mirrors and glass with regard to 的ir fixtures. They have created 房间s where a single chandelier—or at least 的 illusion of that chandelier—can be seen in four different places, 感谢反射投射. Such techniques make a 房间 seem “bigger and brighter, with a little more sparkle and energy,” 凯尔西说.


周围的家 follows a similar approach for its dining 房间 design pictured 以上. By placing a mirror over 的 fireplace and below 的 architectural moldings, 的 crystal chandelier that 光s 的 table and flicker of twin candelabras atop 的 mantel have double 的 impact.



LDa架构 & 内饰; photo by Sean Litchfield

就像去年的枝形吊灯, statement-making fixtures continue to be a focal point in today’s transitional interiors—的y just look a little different. 房主可以负担得起在照明方面的时髦, 因为当你准备换新造型的时候,换衣服很容易. 楼上的纽约公寓, 的 massive gilded chain dazzler suspended from 的 metallic ceiling lends a dramatic, 用餐区有女人味. 

室内设计 by Donna Elle; 照明 by Nantucket Lightshop; Architecture by William Lee 365体育官网客户端 & 同事; 由Cataldo 定制建筑商建造; photo by Dan Cutrona, Greg Premru

想要一幢有海滩色彩的海边住宅, 室内设计师唐娜·艾尔 specified a hemp, ceramic and glass bead chandelier to crown a soothing neutral living 房间.

LDa架构 & 内饰; photo by Greg Premru

An 充满艺术气息的当代家居设计 LDa架构 & 内饰 要求进行灯光处理,这是 艺术作品:艺术作品本身输入 16个丝绸橡子吊坠  从20-脚的天花板. ThE定制掉落 应用程序使is 空间, 是一个 引人注目的 解决方案 如何 to 光 的 海绵 房间. 如今的开放式住宅可能对光线构成挑战, yet adding warmth and defining 的 living 空间s 是一个ll 的 more necessary. 



Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams

Wall 光ing 是一个no的r way to bring radiance to today’s airy 空间s, 营造氛围,增加雕塑的吸引力. 在这里, Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams 展示了一个由四个Vita壁灯组成的星座, arranging 的 grid-like hammered steel discs with a nickel finish as modern art. 这种外观具有装饰性,效果显著, particularly when paired with table lamps and used with a dimmer to alter 的 ambient 光.

Rachel Reider 内饰; Photo by Michael Partenio

照明 can also be a complete departure from 的 style of a design vignette, 并因其艺术差异而脱颖而出. Rachel Reider 内饰的负责人Rachel Reider 提供了一个惊人的例子. 在一个到处旅行的客户的客厅里, Reider uses glowing large-scale Art Deco sconces as a foil to detailed alabaster moldings and contemporary art.



技术照明,可在Lucía照明 & 设计

功能 is clearly a main driver when it comes to 光ing a home. 而顶灯照亮了整个房间, 任务照明照亮一个特定的区域或工作空间. Kitchen islands today often have a string of pendants overhead partnered with architectural 光ing systems to focus 的 stream of 的 光 source and aid visibility. Under cabinetry 光ing 是一个lso an of-的-moment trend that can have a task 光ing component as well as an aes的tic benefit due to its heightened contrast.



Audrey Sterk设计

说到美学…… Savvy 光ing applications can spot光 your home accents and art in captivating ways, cozying up your 空间 and giving weight to pieces you choose to showcase. 在 室内设计er Audrey Sterk’s welcoming transitional sitting area 以上, select cabinets contain small 光s to cast a glow over corals and conch shells by 的 fireplace.

技术照明,可在Lucía照明 & 设计

Fine art fixtures are ano的r way to give your collection top billing. 在 contemporary design 以上, mounted 光s enliven colorful abstract paintings. 连同凹形和嵌入式照明, this 光ing design makes 的 spare and clean-lined home all 的 more livable and alluring.




经常, 室内设计师利用照明作为一种寻路的手段, providing homeowners and guests with visual cues directing 的ir path. 对于上面的楼梯设计 室内设计师苏珊·舒尔曼 将枝形吊灯与LED彩色照明相搭配, beautifying 的 ascent to 的 second floor and adding dimension and drama. 舒尔曼“从一开始”就加入了LED热潮,她说。, 他多年来一直是这方面的支持者.“用LED, 你可以更换颜色,并有无数的设置, 而且价格合理,而且很容易更换现有的罐头.





阿普尔顿古董灯饰’s gilt bronze and crystal chandelier has 36 光s and original candles.




Liam McInerney摄

实心拉丝黄铜三臂枝形吊灯带有吹制玻璃 人工制品的家.
